Today, I accept all miracles in my life.
Today, I can, I will, I am.
Today, I am grateful for everything in my life.
Today, I have no limitations in my consciousness.
Today, My life is great!
Today, I trust and know that everything in my life works easily.
Today, I am worthy of being loved and respected.
Today, I choose to accept increased confidence in my life.
Today, I celebrate my life in all forms.
Today, I rise above all limitations.
Today, All my dreams are fulfilled.
Today, I am grateful, compassionate, and appreciative for everyone and everything in my life.
Today, I am worth it.
Today, I surrender to the presence and power of peace.
Today, My body is vibrant and healthy.
Today, I love myself.
Today, I have no guilt or shame in my life.
Today, I am divinely guided and inspired.
Today, I can manifest amazing miracles.
Today, I always create perfect opportunities in my life.
Today, I am healthy and take good care of myself.
Today, I am thankful for my life.
Today, I am worthy and deserving.
Today, I am a magnificent being.
Today, I now trust my feelings.
Today, I am a money magnet and money loves me.
Today, I am trusting my inner voice.
Today, I finish all of my projects easily.
Today, I share loving thoughts with everyone in my life.
Today, I turn and find all the comfort and wisdom within.
Today, I forgive myself for judging my body.
Today, I do my job easier and do not worry about my situation.
Today, I am powerful.
Today, I am outgoing, and others enjoy being with me.
Today, Money is energy and I, use my energy to create health, love, peace, and harmony.
Today, I am a new me.
Today, I trust that my supply of money is always unlimited.
Today, I let all stress melt away.
Today, I only attract great new work opportunities.
Today, I am lucky in all areas of my life.
Today, I enjoy money and I enjoy receiving money.
Today, I am fearless about life.
Today, I am a dynamic creative human being.
Today, I am creating my life to be far more beautiful, loving, and glorious than I could ever imagine.
Today, I expand my comfort zone.
Today, I trust myself and the universe.
Today, I am magnificent.
Today, I am discovering talents I did not know I had.
Today, I accept only the best.
Today, I appreciate and care for my body.
Today, I forgive myself for ever hurting my body.
Today, I persist in all my endeavors.
Today, I am so excited about my life.
Today, I am committed to accepting a great change in my life.
Today, I am confident.
Today, I am strong, happy and confident.
Today, My body is strong and perfect right now.
Today, I express a unique expression of Divine love.
Today, I deserve only the best in life.
Today, I find good in every person.
Today, I am as successful as I make up my mind to be.
Today, I love life! I look forward to every new moment.
Today, My life is in perfect order.
Today, I attract great new successful opportunities in my career easily.
Today, I begin each day in gratitude.
Today, I accept and demonstrate more love, joy, and kindness into my life.
Today, I accept and love my body.
Today, Success comes to me in unexpected ways.
Today, I celebrate living in the present moment.
Today, I keep my thoughts and intention centered on what I want to show up in my life.
Today, I finish all my projects easily.
Today, I am a winner!
Today, I possess powerful new energy.
Today, I speak higher inspirational words and receive the highest results.
Today, I choose happiness no matter what the circumstances are.