
  • Each decade presents new challenges and opportunities for different aspects of the workforce, causing uncertainty for companies and employees alike. Although many of us must face hardship at one time or another during our careers, we can rise above our obstacles to look within and create a mental blueprint for success that encourages goal achievement, balance, and breakthroughs in life. In a handbook designed to provide an insightful roadmap to success seekers, renowned life coach Gary Quinn shares guidance on how to redefine our authentic voices by learning how to believe in ourselves, releasing negative thought patterns, incorporating healthy lifestyle changes, creating tangible results, and ultimately presenting our most complete selves to the world. Through innovative techniques, practical exercises, and daily empowerment affirmations, Gary leads others down an introspective path to realizing spiritual recovery, balance, satisfaction, and happiness, both at work and home. Become Your Own Business Guru shares trusted wisdom, exercises, and practical tips that guide others to utilize the power of intention to achieve greater success in their personal and professional lives.
  • The Yes Frequency: Master a Positive Belief System and Achieve Mindfulness [Paperback] "The YES Frequency is an exceptional handbook for personal transformation. Gary educates, affirms, and inspires the reader. A wonderful read for anyone interested in understanding the possibilities of the self." --Don Miguel Ruiz, New York Times best-selling author of The Four Agreements "Survival behavior is related to one's ability to say no to the world and the things you do not want to do and yes to yourself and the things you want to do. If you say no to yourself your body and life will suffer the consequences. The Yes Frequency can help you to create your YES life. ----- Bernie Siegel, MD author of 365 Prescriptions For The Soul and A Book of Miracles "Gary Quinn has hit a home run with this...and the timing is perfect. I can't think of a better way to bring massive attention to the single word that can change the world." --- James F. Twyman, New York Times best selling author of "The Moses Code" and "Emissary of Light" About the Author Gary Quinn is a life coach, a television host, a television producer, and is the founder of the Touchstone For Life Coaching Certification Program™.
  • The Yes Frequency: Master a Positive Belief System and Achieve Mindfulness [E-book] "The YES Frequency is an exceptional handbook for personal transformation. Gary educates, affirms, and inspires the reader. A wonderful read for anyone interested in understanding the possibilities of the self." --Don Miguel Ruiz, New York Times best-selling author of The Four Agreements "Survival behavior is related to one's ability to say no to the world and the things you do not want to do and yes to yourself and the things you want to do. If you say no to yourself your body and life will suffer the consequences. The Yes Frequency can help you to create your YES life. ----- Bernie Siegel, MD author of 365 Prescriptions For The Soul and A Book of Miracles "Gary Quinn has hit a home run with this...and the timing is perfect. I can't think of a better way to bring massive attention to the single word that can change the world." --- James F. Twyman, New York Times best selling author of "The Moses Code" and "Emissary of Light" About the Author Gary Quinn is a life coach, a television host, a television producer, and is the founder of the Touchstone For Life Coaching Certification Program™.
  • 10 Steps to Change Your Life and Discover Your Truth (paperback) You have the potential to create exactly the life you want and experience extraordinary results. By tapping into the spiritual zone, you can become empowered to take charge of your present situations, access your divine universal energy, overcome fear and self-sabotage, create financial freedom and meet your most cherished goals. In this life-changing book, leading intuitive life coach, Gary Quinn, gives you practical tools, exercises, and affirmations to transport yourself to the spiritual zone - a state that enables you to achieve the life you've always dreamed of. Quinn addresses everything from awareness about eating, breathing and exercise to practicing forgiveness and learning to love yourself.  In Living in the Spiritual Zone, Quinn teaches that by accepting the truth and offering forgiving, you can align yourself with an amazing power source- the spiritual zone-and create the love and miracles you've always wanted.    
  • Crea il tuo percorso verso il successo, il benessere e la felicità

      Stato: Disponibile Autore: Quinn Gary Un libro che cambierà completamente la tua visione del successo personale e professionale. “La trasformazione è possibile!” Grazie a questo libro inizierai un percorso unico e personalissimo verso il successo personale e professionale. La consapevolezza di poterti convertire nel tuo infallibile Business Guru può trasformare completamente la tua vita. La semplicità dei consigli e della tecniche proposte da Gary Quinn ti permetterà di cambiare giorno per giorno le vecchie abitudini e craerne di nuove, molto più efficaci e predisposte al benessere economico e spirituale. Delineando i principi fondamentali di una vera leadership fondata non solo sulle capacità manageriali ma anche sulla fiducia nell’essere umano, nella sua insostituibile forza creativa e nel potere di una mente orientata al successo, Gary ci mostra gli straordinari risultati del principio dell’intenzione, risvegliando in ognuno di noi la curiosità di provarlo e metterlo subito in pratica. Un libro molto utile e pratico per tutte le persone che desiderano raggiungere la libertà finanziaria. Tutti i libri di Gary Quinn sorprendono per la loro semplicità nell’esporre contenuti profondi. BISAC: SEL027000 - (SELF-HELP / Crescita personale) THEMA: VSB (FINANZA PERSONALE) // VS (SELF-HELP E CONSIGLI PRATICI)
  • Finde deine Life-Balance zwischen Erfolg und Wohlbefinden - Paperback

    by Gary Quinn (Autor)

    Dieses Buch zeigt dir den Schlüssel zu deinem persönlichem Erfolg. DU selbst bist der Kreator deiner Träume. Du kannst alles erreichen im Leben, dir deine Wünsche und Träume erfüllen. Mit diesem Buch hast du den Schlüssel dazu. Life-Coach Gary Quinn enthüllt durch persönliche Geschichten und Berichte aus dem wahren Leben, wie gewöhnliche Ereignisse des Lebens ein außergewöhnliches Fenster zu unserem inneren Dialog von Fülle und Wertgefühl transformieren. Sobald wir diese Beziehung erkennen, wird der Weg zu spiritueller wie auch materieller Fülle in unserem Leben offensichtlich. Indem er die kraftvollen Offenbarungen aus seiner eigenen Erfahrung teilt, bietet Gary Quinn praktische Vorlagen, die wir in unserem Leben auf Heilung, Geschäft und Beziehungen anwenden können. Egal, ob Sie Künstler oder Ingenieur, Hausfrau oder Politiker sind, in diesem Buch geht es um Sie, Ihr Leben und jede Beziehung, die Sie jemals erleben werden. Das Buch sollte Pflichtlektüre für jeden sein, der wissen möchte, was für uns in der Welt möglich ist, wenn wir nur daran glauben. Es katapultiert uns über das Offensichtliche hinaus und zeigt uns, dass unsere Fähigkeit zu empfangen, direkt mit unserem Mut verbunden ist, uns selbst zu lieben.  
  • EUR 5,99 Un eficaz manual que te ofrece pautas claras y sencillas para que tu vida funcione. Gary Quinn, reconocido coach americano, te ofrece inspiración, motivación y consejos prácticos para ayudarte a alcanzar tus objetivos personales y profesionales. Durante 31 días dispondrás a diario de las herramientas para forjar tu éxito: un tema de reflexión, un objetivo, un ejercicio y una afirmación para focalizar tu intención en lo que quieres conseguir. Empieza por priorizar tus metas, avanza un poquito cada día, escribe objetivos específicos, céntrate en ellos y el resto vendrá solo. Este libro, de forma sencilla e inspiradora, te ayuda a ganar confianza en ti mismo, a identificar aquello en lo que crees, a sanar tus emociones y crear tu propio camino hacia el éxito. Cambiar tu vida es más fácil de lo que crees  
  • Una guida chiara per far sì che la tua vita funzioni. Rinvigorisci la tua vita e raggiungi i tuoi obiettivi personali e professionali. Gary Quinn, noto life coach, offre ispirazione, motivazione e consigli pratici per aiutarti a raggiungere i tuoi obiettivi. Ogni giorno, un tema, una chiave di vita, un esercizio ed un’affermazione. Comincia a stabilire le priorità, identifica ogni giorno, scrivi obiettivi specifici, concentrati su di essi e il resto verrà da sé. Questo libro è una via semplice per aiutarti a ottenere fiducia in te stesso, identificare ciò in cui credi, guarire le tue emozioni e fornirti ispirazione. Cambiare la tua vita è più semplice di quanto credi!  
  • Anleitung für jeden Tag zur Veränderung deines Lebens

    In 31 Tagen zu persönlichem Glück und Erfolg. Ein Handbuch, ein Arbeitsbuch und eine Anleitung, deine Lebensqualität zu verbessern. Das Buch nimmt dich mit auf eine Reise DICH und dein Leben neu zu entdecken und dich neu kennenzulernen. Es nimmt dich mit auf eine Reise zu dir selbst, verborgene Träume in dir aufzudecken und dein Leben zu verändern und neu zu gestalten, deine Visionen zu formulieren, und Deine Träume und Wünsche zu erfüllen. Damit führt es dich zum persönlichen Glück und Erfolg im Beruf. Selbstsicherheit und Akzeptanz.
  • Contenuti del libro: Vivere nella zona spirituale “Che tu te ne renda conto o meno, la tua vita sulla Terra è diretta dalle scelte che tu crei per te nella Zona Spirituale. Nel profondo di noi stessi, siamo tutti esseri spirituali, ma i condizionamenti del nostro universo fisico e le forti spinte culturali del materialismo hanno fatto sì che molti dimenticassero questa fondamentale verità. Lo scopo di questo libro è proprio quello di risvegliare in te il ricordo del tuo essere spirituale: considerami come la tua guida di viaggio....  
  • “Just as you would have started planning your fantasy Italian vacation months in advance, so too have you been planning for this adventure into the…  
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