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26 Apr 2024, 18:30 BST – 28 Apr 2024, 16:30 BST


Become your own Business Guru; Hardwiring Happiness, New Success, and Money Into Your Life! with Gary Quinn

About the Event

Transform Yourself, Your Business, and Activate the Courage to Love Yourself
With Gary Quinn

Each decade presents new challenges and opportunities for different aspects of the workforce, causing uncertainty for companies and employees alike. Although many of us must face hardship at one time or another during our careers, we can rise above our obstacles to look within and create a mental blueprint for success that encourages goal achievement, balance, and breakthroughs in life.

All human beings naturally wish to feel fulfilled and content in their personal and professional lives. To achieve this, it may be necessary to re-evaluate your relationship with money or pursue an entirely new direction in life. It is very easy to overlook the fact that how you feel about yourself will deeply affect how you feel about money, so keep in mind that finding balance within yourself should be your top priority. Whatever path you choose for yourself must be a reflection of your own unique inspirations, motivations, and passions. It is your calling in life to pursue anything that you believe will bring you closer to mental, physical, and spiritual well-being, and you have every right to be supported and uplifted in your decision-making process. Gary Quinn will show you how to carve out the life and career you truly desire and teach you how to reinvent yourself in a way that connects you to your authentic self.

During this presentation, you will be inspired to:

Transform Yourself, Your Business, and Activate the Courage to Love Yourself

Activate the Power of Happiness within You
Learn the tools to gain self-esteem and self-appreciation, and best of all, a sense of being a productive, successful, and happy person.

Practice Listening Skills, Managing Emotions, and Applying Emotional Intelligent Communication with Others – As you face the pressures of doing more work, deadlines, and workplace demands, you’re likely to find yourself in situations where it’s critical to control your emotions. Learn to recognize your emotions and behavior patterns.

Overcoming stress – Identifying common causes of stress from personal experiences. Recognizing thoughts, and feelings, and analyzing behaviors that create stressful situations. Learning how to bring mindfulness, meditation, and trust into your workplace.

Enhance Your Online and Social Media Brand and Reputation – Use your strengths, values, and passions to authentically be you. Create a strong professional image and gain larger results.

Carry Yourself With Confidence, Trust, and Credibility – Take actions to stop aligning with negative self-talk. Discovering the must-have skills to help you get and stay competitive. Transform relationships by addressing real issues with authenticity.

  • Internalize a healthy core belief system
  • Envision new possibilities
  • Cultivate self-empowerment
  • Face your inner critic and love and trust yourself
  • Create a life filled with new hope, new finances, and new passion

Anyone who wants to learn how to apply the power of effectiveness for greater success in any business or personal, and feel more balanced, inspired, happy, and satisfied. Business professionals at all levels looking for tools to maximize productivity and learn the art of balance. Anyone looking to project a new positive image and distinctive presence in the workplace or to create a new business opportunity.

Each decade presents new challenges and opportunities for different aspects of the workforce, causing uncertainty for companies and employees alike.

Although many of us must face hardship at one time or another during our careers, we can rise above our obstacles to look within and create a mental blueprint for success that encourages goal achievement, balance, and breakthroughs in life.

All human beings naturally wish to feel fulfilled and content in their personal and professional lives. To achieve this, it may be necessary to re-evaluate your relationship with money or pursue an entirely new direction in life.

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