The 2nd Annual Sun Valley Joy Summit !!!
June 7, 2024 @ 12:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Location TBA
You may be struggling with how to find and define your purpose this year. You may have an unclear vision for your life and feel as if you are going through the routine of life with no results. Creating intention is the first step to living authentically. Setting clear intentions allows us to align our actions with our true selves, guiding us towards a life filled with purpose and meaning. Embrace your authenticity and watch as the world opens up to you in new and beautiful ways. Here’s to embracing the journey and stepping into our highest selves!
This seminar is about personal and spiritual development, creating success from within YOU! Learn new skills to manifest your dreams and desires through the power of YES—saying it, thinking it, being it, and believing it. The Power of YES is a tool to carry with you every day, as you build a new, more powerful, successful, and exciting life.
You have the potential to create the life you want and experience extraordinary results. By tapping into the power of YES, you can
become empowered to change your present situations, overcome fear and self-sabotage, and achieve your most cherished goals.
You will gain knowledge of how to attain any goal, receive sacred knowledge about prosperity, increase self-confidence, find inner peace.
Begin your journey with these 3 steps to activate your spiritual self and JOY using The Power of YES:
Step #1: YOU are the key to manifesting your dream. Pay attention to your responses daily. Are you NO-ing everything? Our words and thoughts create energy that shapes our experiences.
Step #2: Reduce the NO response. When you always think or say NO, you’ll find more NO in your life. Transform your state of being by resisting the NO habit.
Step #3: Transform your NO habit to a YES habit. Say YES instead (even aloud!) to build your YES! Muscle. Especially say YES to hurdles and challenges, seeing them as opportunities.
The key is to tap into your ‘higher self’ and unleash your full capacity for success, happiness and joy.
When your higher self, conscious self and basic self work in harmony, we access power and healing, energy, motivation, visualization, intuition, and wisdom — even past life experiences and abilities.
During this presentation, you will be inspired to:
• Internalize a healthy core belief system
• Envision new possibilities
• Cultivate more JOY into your LIFE
• Cultivate self-empowerment
It is your calling in life to pursue anything that you believe will bring you closer to mental, physical, and spiritual wellbeing, and you have every right to be supported and uplifted in your decision-making process.
Gary Quinn will guide you in crafting the life and career you genuinely desire, helping you reinvent yourself to connect with your authentic essence.