New International Book Launch–Be Your Own Business Guru–Guides Business Leaders On A Balanced Path To Well-Being, Happiness And Success

Be Your Own Business Guru advances an introspective approach to honing your personal life and business skills, specifically for CEOs, business leaders and entrepreneurs at various career stages.”
— Gary Quinn
LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA, UNITED STATES, January 18, 2023 / — For many, the work environment will never be the same, following the past nearly three years of the COVID-19 pandemic. While daunting, the post-pandemic environment provides a new opportunity to embrace change and manifest the work/life balance of mind/body health that existed as only a remote possibility in the pre-pandemic years.
Enter Gary Quinn international bestselling author of Be Your Own Business Guru, his new book that advances a more introspective approach to honing your personal life and business skills. Designed specifically for CEOs, company leaders, entrepreneurs and individuals at various career stages, the book serves as a meaningful source of inspiration to guide mind/body life balance and build a positive, distinctive workplace presence. Be Your Own Business Guru is now available through Amazon….

Book jacket of Be Your Own Business Gur

by Gary Quinn

Gary Quinn, International Bestselling
Author of Be Your Own Business Guru